


  Full fee Reduced fee*
Ist term
(until 06.04.2022)
450 PLN 350 PLN
IInd term
(from 07.04.2022 until 13.05.2022)
550 PLN 450 PLN

The fee includes: participation in 3 days of the conference, materials, coffee breaks, lunch, workshops. A gala banquet will be held on 04.06.2022, additional participation fee: 150 PLN per person

The fee should be paid to the account of PTPP :
Bank BGZ BNP Paribas S.A. account no: 70 2030 0045 1110 0000 0256 8860
. with the note:
IV KPP, full (or reduced) conference fee, participant's name, banquet fee**

* Applies to PTPP members (with paid membership fee for 2022), doctoral students, full-time students, part-time students, evening students. The discount does not apply to postgraduate students.
PhD students and undergraduates are kindly requested to bring their student cards to the conference (to be presented during the registration).

** Applies to those who declare their intention to attend the banquet